New Blog: LoupGarou Terriers and Not 1040 Farm

Once again, I’m going to try my hand at blogging!

This blog will ultimately be a little bit about everything: dogs, training, homestead, writing, and so on. It won’t be heavy on graphics (or I would not be using Medium as a platform!) but that’s what my website is for.

My hope is that, over time, I can build a “more frequent” conversation with the people who visit my site. I won’t guarantee daily posts, not even weekly ones, but over time I hope to develop more consistency and frequency as blogging becomes part of my routine.

In my next blog, I’ll tell a bit about the “terrier” part of LoupGarou Terriers and Not 1040 Farm. There’s a lot to tell there, so it might take a few entries before everyone has been properly introduced! Once a week or so, I’ll be making a homestead post. If I develop a readership, I’d love to have people ask questions for me to answer. I might not have the answer to questions about life, the universe, and everything, but I might be able to help people curious about terriers and homesteading in general.



LoupGarou Terriers and Not 1040 Farm

Went to school for editing and psychology. Now shoveling goat poo and training dogs. I think I made a good trade off. :D